Why choose Me

I want to show you that, when you visit a site, understanding is important too, not just the visual experience.

Years of experience

Working in the tourism sector for many years has fine-tuned my ability to create a friendly relationship with my clients even in a short space of time. Different people have different demands and expectations and I am happy to try to meet them! If you would prefer a more formal visit, I can do that too!


I try to ensure that my explanations become a sort of magnifying-glass, helping you to walk through layers of history and civilisations that are thousands of years old.


I try to stimulate your curiosity and your thirst for knowledge in an interesting way, concentrating all my years of study and in-depth academic research into a format that is simple and easy to understand.


In maniera informale verrò incontro alle tue richieste specifiche, alle tue propensioni culturali e alle tue semplici curiosità adattando ogni singola visita “ad personam”, vale a dire ritagliandola su di te, come un abito che sia cucito su misura. Particolare attenzione sarà rivolta agli anziani con difficoltà motorie ed alle persone con handicap. Per le famiglie con bambini verranno proposte apposite visite specialistiche.

A friendly approach

I assure you that if you come with me, it’ll be like exploring with a friend. Walking around the site or the museum together, we can create a fun, family atmosphere.

The advantages of being guided by a true local

When your guide comes from the area you are visiting, she knows all the stories and legends of local folklore. A local guide can advise you which restaurant to go to to sample typical dishes of the local cuisine, she can create an itinerary which makes the best use of your time, and do so in a way that avoids the crowds generated by mass tourism. A local guide is always up-to-date on the local scene, she can show you the most recent discoveries, sites that are open at last after a long period of restoration, she’ll know which houses are open today. She’ll be able to tell you what exhibitions and shows are on in town. A local guide can take you beyond the stereotyped images of picture postcards, enabling you to experience the most interesting side of our local culture, to see hidden treasures that other visitors will miss.

Skip the line

Thanks to the fact that I have special access, I can help you to skip the line. Your holiday time is precious and you don’t want to spend it queuing outside the sites while you wait to buy a ticket.

Plan your visit