"in Pompeii two steps separate ancient life from modern life" THEOPHILE GAUTIER, 1852


Archaeological Park

It has been written that “Pompeii is a metaphor and perennial warning” and represents beyond any doubt the return to our origins.
The archaeological site is a real city that extends over an area of ​​66 hectares where houses, shops, public and monumental buildings, tombs, defense walls, fountains and finds of common use dating back to Roman times proliferate.
The archaeological excavation started in 1748 under Charles III of Spain continues today, giving archeology enthusiasts and intrepid travelers the unique and rare opportunity to enter a time machine to understand how daily life was carried out in a typical Roman province during the 1st century A.D.
The eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD he buried the city under a blanket of ashes, volcanic dust, lapilli and pumice stones. The volcanic materials produced by the eruption have preserved it from wear and tear of time. The brightly colored frescoes and the smooth stones of the floor mosaics miraculously reappear.
Here is the list of the many issues that only with the help of an expert guide will they be able to face during your visit.


Main topics

Suggestions for a thematic visit

  • Detailed analysis of the dynamics of the eruption.
  • Description of Campania volcanism.
  • Historical-chronological excursus concerning the evolution of the housing nucleus of Pompeii.
  • History of the archaeological excavation.
  • The various stages of the restoration.
  • Pompeian painting: pictorial styles and wall graffiti.
  • Sculpture, statuary and minor arts in Pompeii.
  • Deepening of the geological aspects of the archaeological area.
  • Topiary: The gardens in Pompeii.
  • Analysis of the different construction techniques used by the Romans.
  • The curtain wall and necropolises outside the walls.
    Roman architecture between public buildings and private domus
  • Fashion, jewels and beauty treatments in ancient Rome.
  • In-depth study of urban planning: how the streets were made in ancient Rome.
  • The water network and fountains.
  • The shows: The Great Theater, the Odeon and the Amphitheater.
  • Religion: Reading and interpretation of the main classical myths.
  • The city temples.
  • The most common cults in the city.
  • Domestic faith.
  • The public and private spas.
  • The culinary ars: cooking in ancient Rome.
  • The main commercial activities: artisan shops and public markets.
  • Political life in Pompeii.
  • The electoral writings.
  • Slavery in ancient Rome.
  • The role of the Pompeian woman.
  • Sex in Rome.
  • Erotic paintings.
  • The lupanar.
  • The casts.
  • Being Pompeian in 79 AD.
  • How the citizens of Pompeii died.


estivo 9.00 – 19.00

(ultimo ingresso 18.00) 

invernale 9.00 – 17.00

(ultimo ingresso 15.30)

Giorni di chiusura:
1 gennaio
1 maggio
25 dicembre
Costo biglietti di ingresso:
€ 16 intero 
gratis under 18

€ 2 ridotto cittadini  UE

(è richiesto un documento 18/24 anni)

Accesso disabili


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